Valley Girl Ever since she was first identified by SOS fans as being a moonie, we have been waiting and watching for actress Kirsten Dunst to publicly admit her moon addiction. ("My name is Kirsten." Everyone, "Hello Kirsten!" "And I am a fan of Sailor Moon.") Well it only took a few years but she finally came out of the closet. The first to make the sighting was mistydreamgirl with the June 2002 issue of Esquire magazine. In the cover story by Ross Johnson, Ms. Dunst is quoted in an extensive comic strip sidebar, "Girls aren't really into the same superheroes that boys are. We want to emulate women who have female power. There was one superhero I liked from an animated cartoon and that was Sailor Moon." Although Kirsten said this in past tense, some of us here suspect that she still is a fan. Some other fans may have noted that in recent interviews she has admitted many Serena-like traits. She hates to work out, she'd rather sleep but when duty calls (a film shoot) she gets up and gets the job done. And has she ever with her starring role in "Spiderman." Kirsten really delivers and sets up the very emotional ending to the feature. So much so, that Hollywood has taken notice with at least one of the studios planning on offering her a major development deal. (She has picked some very good movies.) And, you read it here first, at least one major studio other than Disney has looked into the possibility of producing a "Sailor Moon" feature. If Ms. Dunst wanted to, she could probably develop "Sailor Moon" into a live action feature. The problem is, should that even be done and would she really want to play Serena? Should she play Serena or get someone else to do it? There's nothing wrong with that. Hey Kirsten! We're sitting on the fence concerning all of this and will wait and see what you want to do. |
Kirsten Advocates Feature In an interview posted on the comics2film website, actress Kirsten Dunst said (for what appears to be the first time publicly) that she was in favor of making "Sailor Moon" into a (live action) feature. The article states (in part), Never the less, Dunst reports she has no aspirations to play a a full-blown superhero. "It's too much work. I'm not a stunt woman," she said. However, she concedes she is drawn to other comic book material. "I like this japanimation Sailor Moon. That would be a fun movie, I think." The quote also confirms her reluctance to play a part like Serena. Although the article was posted on Monday, April 29th, 2002, this interview might have actually been conducted after the interview for the June 2002 Esquire magazine story. Monthly magazine stories are usually completed weeks, if not months, in advance. Websites post stories much faster. Special thanks to "T M Kozah" for making this sighting! |