SOS International Support! Originally we thought that just English speaking countries were interconnected concerning the English version of "Sailormoon." But over the course of the campaign we've realized that with increasing interest in "foreign" versions and the internationalization of media concerns (just how many countries and languages is The Cartoon Network/Nickelodeon/The Disney Channel currently available?) that all countries and all languages are affected by one another as never before! Non-English speaking fans participate in our campaign and we in turn take part in theirs! We encourage fans, in all countries, to set up their own SOS headquarters and take part in our mutual interests! Please contact us if you should need more information or need assistance. Just take a look what went through our minds when we couldn't figure out the Russian campaign! (They finally answered all of our questions on their site!) And Turkish fans may want to check out how to watch their version from almost anywhere else in the world!