Cloverway Hacked? Cloverway, Inc., the overseas representative of Toei Animation, would like all Sailor Moon fans to know that it is not (and has not been) in contact with fans via the Internet. Emails purportedly from Cloverway which have been addressed to websites or fans are fraudulent and should be ignored. Individuals who have been claiming (or giving the impression) that they are an employee (or a representative) of Cloverway, Inc. should cease such activity immediately. Several different emails have been appearing on the Internet over recent weeks with the supposedly valid return address of <>. These emails have been posted on websites or were received by individuals and then posted elsewhere. It is not known if these websites or individuals were responsible for these fraudulent emails or honestly believed that they were in successful correspondence with Cloverway. All of the emails contain misleading or factual errors such as this sentence concerning Sailor Stars, "Until the author, publisher, and producer company reach an agreement, we cannot proceed with the dubbing of the series." The author, Naoko Takeuchi, replaced the publisher (Kodansha) over half a year ago and now completely controls those rights. Further, there is already a binding agreement between the author and the production company, Toei Animation, concerning all of the Sailormoon productions. But even with that agreement in place it is not up to Cloverway to proceed or not proceed with any dubbing. A company or a group of companies would have to agree to provide the money and distribution for any dubbing and so far there has been none. (This is what the Save Our Sailors campaign has been working on.) Another unbelievable claim is this one, "FYI, I am attaching a file (with very low resolution images, sorry, I'm unauthorized to send high-res) created for presentation purposes. I know that you're aware of all this information but consider it like a synopsis of the SailorMoon Stars. Comment: The names are tentative and would probably change. e.g. Mini Mini Moon is not an attractive name for the character." Cloverway does not email images or proposed character names to fans. None of the information posted has been determined and appears to be guesswork by some individual not connected to the company. The Save Our Sailors campaign (SOS) has certainly had problems with Cloverway in the past and wishes that it were more open to some fan input at the appropriate time but we do not wish to see fans misled into believing that they are communicating with the company. When one of these emails was submitted and posted on our Yahoo discussion group (we'd like to keep the discussion as open as possible) the SOS felt that it was incumbent upon us to verify its authenticity. |